DIY Fairy Wands

My daughter loves fairy things so when she found this book at our local library she was delighted. We had a lovely mummy daughter day last month and she choose to make fairy things.

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First on her list was a fairy wand.

We got an old cereal packet and drew round a star shaped biscuit cutter. Little Missy wanted to make a wand for her brother too so we needed four stars.

She then painted the stars. We glued (using PVA glue) two stars together with a wooden kebab stick and about six ribbons in the middle. We left them to dry for about an hour using pegs to secure them in place.

Little Missy then had fun with the glitter and other sparkly bits and more PVA glue.

Once they were dry they were actually really strong and lots of fun.

Next on this list were fairy wings…these took a bit longer to make and are in need of reinforcements!!!

Thanks for reading

Sarah 😀

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