Making Rain

Processed with VSCO with s1 preset

Ok, so we didn’t make real rain. We made blue rain, green rain,  red rain and orange rain.

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We saw this ‘experiment’ on Pinterest and thought we’d try. I’m not sure what we were experimenting, we were more creating something that looked like a clouds and rain and having fun with it.

We got shaving foam (the extremely cheap stuff for the supermarket-bought specifically for this!), some glass jars, food colouring (we used food colouring gels mixed with water), water and a couple of pipettes.

we filled the jars with water, squirted shaving foam on the top in an extremely cloud like fashion and then used the pipettes to drop colours through the foam.

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Our little ones loved this and kept asking for more. I love the patterns created in the water.

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Do you know any fabulous weather experiments? Please comment below.