30 Days Wild – Day 11 – Squash those flowers

TWT 30 Days Wild_countdown_11A few weeks ago we had a tonne of bluebells in our garden. The little munchkins decided to pick a few. I haven’t yet worked out how to explain to a two year old which flowers are okay to pick and which are not.

When a child comes to you and says “Mummy, I’ve picked some flowers for you” and hands you a bunch of Bluebells, it’s hard to be mad.

So we decided to get the flower press out and see what happened. I haven’t pressed flowers since being little. A few hours after putting the bluebells I’m the flower press I had to open it. “Are they ready yet?” It was a lot easier to show them than keep saying “No”


Today we opened it for the second time. We found some lovely flat bluebells. “It’s like paper”, exclaimed Munashe.


The sun was so gorgeous today. For me, the perfect temperature is somewhere between 20 and 25 c. So I was loving it! While enjoying the last of the sun, we stuck the petals onto some paper plates.


A few little smiles from Zori as she had finished her masterpiece!


Munashe continued being creative and was very proud of his earth picture. Can you spot the Tee-pee and the ‘X marks the spot!’ and the sun?


We spent some time collecting some daisies and buttercups (acceptable picking flowers!) and replenished our flower press. We may create something else in a couple of weeks….any ideas?


Sarah x

3 thoughts on “30 Days Wild – Day 11 – Squash those flowers

  1. I used to love my flower press when I was little! You have inspired me, will have to buy one! Thank you for sharing x


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